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Archaeological and Historic Resources Survey of Newnan Pipe Yard and Temple Avenue Contractor Yard, Coweta County, Georgia. FERC Docket No. PF14-10. HP No. 140603-005.

Report Number
Year of Publication

Cardno, Inc. (Cardno) has completed archaeological and historic resources survey of part of the proposed Dalton Expansion Project, in Georgia. This letter details Cardno’s findings and management recommendations specifically for two yards, provisionally designated as the Newnan pipe yard and Temple Avenue contractor yard, temporary facilities proposed as a part of construction (Figure 1 and Figure 2). These will be temporary-use facilities that will serve as equipment and material storage areas during construction. Possible modifications to these yards include the installation of perimeter fencing, temporary lighting, and the laying of a bed of gravel to existing ground surfaces. The yards will be returned to their original state following construction.

The results of Cardno’s archaeological and historic resources survey for the Newnan pipe yard and Temple Avenue contractor yard are described in this document. Following a brief description of the environmental setting, methods used for field survey, including disposition of field records and artifacts, artifact classification, and methods for determining site significance are described. The results of the archaeological and historic resources survey of the pipe yard and contractor yard will then be described, including a review of previously recorded sites within an approximate 1-kilometer (km) radius of the proposed pipe yards. Following this, management recommendations for each surveyed yard will be discussed.