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Red Dog Farm Tower, Bleckley County, Georgia Cultural Resources Assessment Letter Report

Report Number
Year of Publication

Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. (TEP) is assisting Uniti Towers in the development of a proposed 255-ft (262-ft with appurtenances) AGL self-support communications tower to be located at 197 Longstreet Road in Cochran, GA 31014. The proposed 30-ft wide access & utility easement will proceed south off of Holder-Sanders Road for approximately 190-ft before reaching the proposed 100-ft x 130-ft tower compound lease area. The area of potential disturbance associated with the proposed lease area and access & utility easement is anticipated to total approximately l 8,686-ft2 (0.43-acres). These areas are herein referred to as the direct effects area of potential effect (APE). The proposed tower is anticipated to be illuminated as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). TEP conducted an assessment of the project's visual and direct effects, archaeological investigation, to meet the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHP A) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Nationwide  Programmatic Agreement (NP A). This letter report summarizes the results of TEP's investigations.