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Archaeological Survey Report GNL05182/MRGEO041466/ - 14996930 Tommy’s Trail Forsyth, Georgia 31029 Monroe County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Project Area is located at Tommy's Trail Forsyth, Georgia Monroe County 31029. AT&T Mobility, LLC proposes to install a new 250' (76.2 meter [m]) self-supported tower and support equipment within a I 00' by I 00' (30.5m x 30.5m) lease area. Power and telco utilities will be routed underground approximately 880' (269m) east from an existing utility pole to equipment in the lease area via a joint utility and access easement. The joint utility and access measures 30' (9.1 m) in width and runs along an existing dirt road from Old Stopper Road to the lease area. 

Per the FCC's definition, the Area of Potential Effect-Direct Effects (APE-DE) consists of the 100' by I 00' (3.5m by 30.5m) lease area and the joint utility and access route. The total area of ground to be disturbed is approximately 0.84 acres (0.34 hectares [ha]). Due to the height of the proposed tower, the Area of Potential Effects-Visual Effects (APE-VE) for this project is 0.5 miles (0.80 kilometers [km]). as defined by the 2004 Programmatic Agreement. 

The precontact and historic sensitivity of the site is low. The unfavorable proximity to water would have made the area undesirable for permanent habitation and use of the area (if any) would have likely been transitionary. While review of known archaeological sites demonstrates a use of areas in the vicinity of the Subject Property for lithics processing during the precontact. these sites are over 0.73 miles (1.17km) away from the Project Area. Furthermore, a review of historic maps and aerial images indicates that the Subject Property has remained undeveloped. Consequently, the probability of encountering significant precontact or historic archaeological resources within the APE-DE is low. 

Branden Young, M.A., RPA with EBI Consulting conducted fieldwork, a pedestrian survey and shovel testing, within the Project Area on March 10, 2020. No topographic anomalies, architectural features, or cultural materials were identified within the APE-DE. 

In light of the available information, it is my professional opinion that the APE-DE for the present project is not sensitive for the presence of significant precontact and/or historical archaeological resources due to the low historic and precontact archaeological sensitivity, unfavorable environmental setting, steeply sloped soils, and negative results of the archaeological fieldwork conducted at the Project Area. In this context, it is unlikely that the proposed installation would adversely affect intact below-grade cultural resources. No Historic Properties were identified by this survey. No further archaeological testing is recommended for this project. 

A determination of "No Historic Properties" within the APE-DE and APE-VE, with regard to archaeological resources, is recommended. We request your concurrence.