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Finding of No Adverse Effect Lamar Building, Broad Street Historic District, and August Downtown Historic District

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of this project is to enhance the traffic signal performance in Downtown Augusta by upgrading 8 signalized intersections along Broad Street between 5th Street and 13th Street. The upgrades include replacing mast arm poles, vehicle, and pedestrian indications, and installing state of the art controller hardware and communication backbone. The proposed project would upgrade traffic and pedestrian signals and street and pedestrian lighting along Broad Street in Downtown Augusta. Specifically, these improvements would include replacing existing signal support structures, replacing vehicular and pedestrian signal heads with new LED signal heads, replacing existing street and pedestrian lighting, and upgrading controller and communications infrastructure from 5th Street to 13th Street (see Figure 1: Project Location Map). In addition, improvements would be made to eight intersections to ensure that they meet current ADA specifications. Existing right-of-way (ROW) is 80 feet. At this time, the need for additional ROW is not anticipated.