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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Hubbard Town 115kV Transmission Line

Report Number
Year of Publication

On behalf of the Georgia Transmission Corporation, New South Associates (NSA) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed route of the Hubbard Town 115kV Transmission Line located in Dawson and Forsyth Counties, Georgia (Figure l ). The proposed utility project consists of a 2.34-mile (3,759 m) long transmission line corridor and a 3.8-acre substation site; the spatial footprint of this proposed utility was defined as the archaeological area of potential effect (APE). The work for this survey was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (36 CFR 800) and was intended to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources in the project's APE.

This investigation consisted of background research and a Phase I intensive archaeological survey of the APE. Background research was performed to determine if any previously recorded archaeological sites were present within the APE and to develop an understanding of the potential for archaeological sites to occur area within the APE, while the archaeological survey was designed to identify archaeological resources within the APE. As a result of the survey, no archaeological resources were identified or discovered within the APE.