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Boardtown Tap 46 kV Transmission Line

Report Number
Year of Publication

This letter presents the results of an archeological survey that Southeastern Archeological Services (SAS) conducted at a proposed new pole location on the above referenced transmission line in the town of Ellijay in Gilmer County. Based on the photo map and project description that you emailed to us on March 14, 2011 the project area was defined as a 20 by 20 ft area at the proposed pole location, which was midway between and in line with two existing poles that are between a paved church parking lot and the Ellijay River. Also included in the project area (area of potential effect) was a 12-ft wide access road from the parking lot to the pole location. The field survey was conducted by SAS senior field archeologist Ron Schoettmer on March 18, 2011.

In conclusion, we detected no trace of site 9GI50 at the proposed pole location and believe it has been mostly, if not entirely, graded away. However, we did not have time to shovel test to the east of the proposed pole location, towards a terrace edge, and it is possible that some of the site remains. There are no archeological sites within the area of potential effect for the proposed new pole and its access road, and therefore the proposed unde11aking will have no effect on archeological resources. In regard to archeology, we recommend that the project proceed as planned.