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Archeological Survey of the Proposed Alston 46/25 kV Substation, Montgomery County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Transmission Corporation wishes to construct a 46/25 kV substation on a 1.8 ha (4.4 ac) tract of cultivated land just outside of Alston, in southern Montgomery County. To insure compliance with federal regulations, Southeastern Archeological Services was contracted to conduct a Phase I archeological survey of the tract, the purpose of which was to locate and evaluate the significance of any archeological sites and that might be affected by the construction and maintenance of the substation. Archival research indicated that no previously recorded archeological sites or former house sites occur in the area of potential effect, which is the 1.8 ha tract. At the time of the field survey, November 16, 2017, the project tract was in a mature stand of cotton, which afforded 50 to 75 percent ground surface exposure throughout. Intensive surface inspection of the plowed field and the excavation of six shovel tests failed to encounter any artifacts or other evidence of archeological sites.

It is the recommendation of the principal investigator that no archeological resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places occur in the proposed area of potential effect for the Alston Substation project, and thus that the proposed Alston Substation project should be granted clearance to proceed.