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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Proposed 320-Foot (Overall Height) Self-Supporting Lattice Telecommunications Structure Facility AT&T Site GNL05275 (FA# 14996940) 6767 Warren Chapel Road Sparta, Hancock County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America’s client, AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to construct a 320-foot tall (overall height) self-supporting lattice telecommunications structure located at 6767 Warren Chapel Road, Sparta, Hancock County, Georgia. ECA conducted a Phase I Archaeological Assessment of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) consisting of background research, field investigations, and preparation of this report.

ECA reviewed cultural records and databases and did not identify any archaeological sites or surveys within or near the APE for direct effects. If any archaeological sites or cultural resource surveys were identified during ECA’s research outside the APE for direct effects, they are discussed further in the Site File Research section of this report. During the course of the field survey portion of this archaeological assessment, no archaeological cultural resources were encountered.

ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on any archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Based on our findings related to archaeological resources, we recommend no further consultation under Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act for this proposed undertaking.