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Archeological Survey for the Proposed Widening of Windsor Spring Road, Richmond County, Georgia; GDOT Project Nos. STP00-7007-00(006), BRSLB-7007-00(007), STP00-1105-00(004), and BHSLB-1105-00(005) PI Nos. 250610, 250615, 245320, and 245325 Augusta-Richmo

Report Number
Year of Publication

The survey addendum reported here was conducted in areas designated as revisions to the area of potential effect (APE) of road widening projects proposed by Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia. The original projects were located between southern Augusta and the town of Hephzibah, Georgia, along Windsor Spring Road from its intersection with Tobacco Road to just south of its intersection with SR (State Route) 88. The revisions inspected in this addendum project report extend the original project area approximately 420 m (1,380 ft) south of SR 88 along Windsor Spring Road, plus minor extensions of the original APE in selected places in and to the north of Hephzibah. The purpose of the survey was to locate any significant archeological resources within the revised areas of potential effect for the proposed project.

The survey resulted in the identification of two archeological sites, 9RI1130 and 9RI1131, at least partly within the revised APE. Both sites are historic period house sites dating to the early middle twentieth century. No evidence of significant cultural remains were discovered within the APE at either of these two sites. Because the sites extend beyond the APE, overall eligibility is unknown. The portions within the APE are noncontributing to the overall eligibility of the site. Consequently, we conclude that the proposed project will not create any adverse effects to significant archeological resources. Notwithstanding other considerations, we suggest the proposed project be allowed to proceed as planned.