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Cultural Resource Survey Report Ivy Island – GA – 162 Talbot

Report Number
Year of Publication

Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc. (DEA) performed an investigation of a proposed telecommunication tower facility in Talbot County, GA. This investigation, sponsored by Diamond Towers V LLC, was intended to identify and evaluate cultural resources in terms of eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Archaeological investigations were confined to areas proposed for development of the tower facility, specifically the 100' x 100' (30.5 m x 30.5 m) lease area; a 25' (7.6 m) by 70' (21.3 m) turnaround/parking area proposed to abut the southwest side of the proposed lease area; and a 20' (6.1 m) wide by 285' (86.9 m) long access/utility easement proposed to extend from the turnaround/ parking area to the south Parent Tract property boundary. Finally, a 12' (3.7 m) wide by approximately 38' (11.6 m) long gravel drive will be installed between the paved Thomaston Highway and the Parent Tract property boundary; this area is within the existing highway right-of-way and was not assessed. No archaeological features were noted on the surface and no cultural material indicative of an archaeological site was recovered from the excavated shovel tests. It is recommended that no historic properties are located within the APE for direct effects and therefore there will be no effect on cultural resources by the proposed undertaking.

The project was sponsored by Diamond Towers V LLC following the standards set forth in the Federal Communications Commission's Nationwide Programmatic Agreement of March 2005. Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc. (DEA) investigated the potential impacts of this proposed telecommunications tower to be constructed by Diamond Towers V LLC. The proposed tower facility will be located along the north side of Thomaston Highway, in Woodland, Talbot County, GA. The proposed tower coordinates are Latitude N32° 49' 25.3", Longitude W84° 25' 56.1", located approximately 0.56 miles (0. 90 km) southeast of the Flint River. The Area for Potential Effects (APE) for Direct Effects for the proposed tower facility includes the 100' x 100' (30.5 x 30.5 m) lease area, a 25' (7.6 m) by 70' (21.3 m) turnaround/parking area, and 20' (6.1 m) wide by 285' (86.9 m) long access/utility easement.