On behalf of our client, Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) conducted an archaeological survey for the proposed Brandybuck-8 telecommunications site located in Tift County, Georgia. The fieldwork was performed on August 8, 2020. Based on this fieldwork there are no historic properties within the area of potential effects (APE) for direct effects. No further work is recommended at this time.
The client is proposing to construct a telecommunications project located at 4192 Highway 125 N in the City of Tifton, Tift County, Georgia (Figure 1). The site is located east of Highway 125 Nat geographic coordinates: Latitude 31.491967, Longitude -83.493900 (UTM Zone 17R E263114, N3486820). The proposed tower will be situated within a 100 ft. x 100 ft. lease area (Figure 2). A new 800-foot long by 30-foot wide access road will also be constructed (Figure 3).
An archaeological survey of the direct APE was performed on August 8, 2020, by Principal Investigator William Green, M.A., RPA, and Archaeologist Lauren Bagwell, M.A. Five shovel tests were excavated in the proposed lease area (one in each corner and one in the center) and another 10 shovel tests were excavated at 60-meter intervals along the proposed access road.
The client is proposing to construct a wireless telecommunications facility at the site. Based on the background research there are no archaeological or aboveground historic resources in the direct APE. The field survey discovered one isolated find; however, this resource is ineligible for inclusion in the NRHP. Based on these results, it is Terracon's recommendation that no historic properties will be affected within the direct APE.
In the event that archaeological materials are encountered prior to or during construction, coordination should occur with the appropriate consulting parties. Archaeological materials consist of any items 50 years or older that were made or used by humans. These items can include stone tools (e.g. arrowheads, spearpoints, scrapers, etc.), ceramic sherds, bricks, worked wood, bone or stone, metal and glass objects, and human skeletal remains. These materials may be present on the ground surface and/or under the ground.