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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Wirebridge – B Telecommunications Tower Project Oglethorpe County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On behalf of our client, Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) conducted an archaeological survey for the proposed Wirebridge - B telecommunications site. The fieldwork was performed on September 1, 2020. Based on this fieldwork there are no historic properties within the area of potential effects (APE) for direct effects. No further work is recommended at this time.

The client is proposing to construct a telecommunications project located near Oconee Forest Road in the City of Stephens, Oglethorpe County, Georgia (Figure 1 ). The site is located south of Oconee Forest Road at geographic coordinates: Latitude 33.793950, Longitude-83.211725 (UTM Zone 17S E295240, N3741508). The proposed tower will be situated within a 10,000-square foot lease area (Figure 2). A new 228-foot long by 12-foot wide access road will also be utilized, approximately 80 of which will be improved (Figure 3).

The client is proposing to construct a wireless telecommunications facility at the site. Based on the background research and field survey there are no archaeological or aboveground historic resources in the direct APE. Therefore, Terracon recommends a finding of no historic properties affected within the APE for direct effects.