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Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Blue Ridge Hydro Plant Upgrade, Fannin County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between May 25 and May 29, 1993 an archaeological reconnaissance was conducted within areas to be affected by proposed modifications to the Blue Ridge Dam Hydro Complex, Fannin County, Georgia. The survey was conducted by DuVall and Associates, Inc., of Franklin, Tennessee, for the Cultural Resources Program, Tennessee Valley Authority, in compliance with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (P.L. 91-190) and the National Historical Preservation Act (P.L. 89-664) as implemented by 36CFR800. The survey involved an assessment of 1) an approximate 2.2-hectare construction site at the location of a new spillway; 2) the alignment of approximately 550 meters of new roadway, partially inclusive in the spillway area; 3) a spoil area of approximately 8 hectares adjacent to the construction site on the southeast; and 4) a site proposed for the installation of oxygen tanks, inclusive within the spoil area. These sites occupy a series of ridge crests, shoulder and side slopes immediately south and southeast of the present spillway complex. survey activities consisted of a pedestrian reconnaissance, systematic shovel testing of likely occupation areas, systematic mapping to establish the extent of modern ground modifications, and an examination of background archival materials. Both prehistoric and historic cultural materials were documented in the survey area. A single prehistoric site, 9FN132, was defined. This site occupies a deflated Ridgecrest at the spillway site and can best be described as a diffuse, low-density scatter of lithic debitage. All materials appear to be confined to disturbed surface contexts.