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Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Roundabout at the Intersection of SR 122 and SR 125 in Lanier, Berrien, and Lowndes Counties

Report Number
Year of Publication

SR 125/Bemiss Road (Rd)/Valdosta Ray City Highway (Hwy), 3.5 miles (mi) south of Ray City at the juncture of Berrien, Lanier, and Lowndes counties (Figure 1). The existing intersection is a two-way stop, controlled intersection where SR 125 is free flow and SR 122 is stop controlled. SR 125 is a two-lane roadway with a posted speed of 55 miles per hour (mph). It is classified as a rural Minor Arterial that connects Ray City with Moody Air Force Base, Bemiss, and Valdosta to the south. There are no signalized intersections within one mile of the study intersection. SR 122 is two-lane roadway with a posted speed limit of 55 mph that is classified as a rural Major Collector east of the intersection. SR 122 west of the intersection is classified as a rural minor collector for approximately 0.75 mi to the intersection with Arapaho Trail and then changes classification to minor arterial to the west. This east-west roadway connects Lakeland in Lanier County to the east with Hahira in Lowndes County to the west. The existing right-of-way (ROW) varies from 85 to 110 foot (ft) throughout the intersection. The proposed project would consist of the construction of a 170-ft inscribed diameter circular roundabout with pedestrian facilities and lighting at the intersection of SR 122 / E Jefferson Ave and SR 125 / Bemiss Rd.

The proposed project is intended to reduce crash frequency and severity at this intersection. The project would include the addition of inside roundabout splitter islands and curbing ( 16-ft-wide urban border area with curb and gutter and sidewalk) as well as outside roundabout splitter islands and curbing: ( l 0-ft wide rural shoulder/4-ft paved shoulders with 10-ft foreslope and 4-ft flat bottom ditch). Required ROW would vary from 110 to 120-ft throughout the intersection.

The Environmental Survey Boundary (ESB) designed by AECOM ranges between 1,642 to 1,672 ft in length by 324 to 362 ft in width along SR 122 and 1.417 to 1.418 ft in length and 334 to 336 ft in width along SR 125. The Environmental Survey Boundary (ESB) also intersects with Northfield Circle, a residential street which lies 590 ft east of the SR 122/SR 125 intersection. This ESB was designed to include all areas that may be impacted by construction activities and any potential easements and required ROW.