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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of the South Main Street/Ryon Avenue Transportation Alternatives Program Corridor, Hinesville, Liberty County, GA

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project proposes to improve pedestrian access and connectivity, extend the existing downtown streetscape, and provide intersection improvements along the South Main Street/Ryon Avenue corridor, between downtown Hinesville and Bryant Commons Park (Figures 1 and 2). The project would begin at Ryon Avenue at U.S. Route (US)84/State Route (SR) 38, proceeds northwest along Ryon Avenue, then north along South Main Street and then ends at Central Avenue. The proposed improvements include shifting the Ryon Avenue at US 84/SR 38 intersection slightly north, realignment of Ryon A venue from South Main Street to US 84/SR 38, construction of a new Bryant Commons entrance along US 84/SR 30 directly across from the proposed Ryon A venue intersection, and deceleration lanes for both north and south US 84/SR 38 approaches to the proposed Ryon Avenue intersection/Bryant Commons entrance. Realigned Ryon Avenue is proposed to include two 12-foot wide travel lanes (one in each direction), a 12-foot wide flush median, and curb and gutter with urban shoulder drainage. Roundabouts are proposed for the Ryon Avenue at South Main Street and South Main Street at West Hendry/East Hendry Street intersections. The proposed roundabouts would include pedestrian refuge islands. Additional proposed improvements would include a new 10-foot wide multi-use path on the north side of Ryon Avenue and east side of South Main Street, and a new 5-foot wide sidewalk on the south side Ryon Avenue and the west side of South Main Street, from US 84/SR 38 to Hendry Street. Additional right-of-way (ROW) is anticipated to install the two roundabouts and the new Bryant Commons Park entrance. Existing ROW ranges from 60 to 101.5 feet. Proposed ROW has not been fully determined.

The survey area for this current investigation includes all areas located within the Environmental Survey Boundary (ESB). This includes a 2,425 foot (ft.) segment along South Main Street between Central Avenue and Ryon Avenue, a 1,095 ft segment along Ryon Avenue between South Main Street and US 84/SR 38, and a 892 ft segment along US 84/SR 38 north and south of the intersection with Ryon Avenue. The ESB also includes several segments along roads that intersect with South Main Street: a 198 ft segment along East Hendry Street, a 230 ft long segment along West Hendry Street, and a 200 ft segment along Carter Street. A 132 ft by 162 ft segment of Main Street Park is also included in the ESB. In addition, the 255 ft long segment of South Main Street immediately south of the intersection with Ryon Avenue is included in the ESB. The ESB is approximately 80 ft. wide along Ryon Avenue, South Main Street, East Hendry Street, West Hendry Street, and Carter Street. The ESB is approximately 180 ft. wide along US 84/SR 38. The total area of the ESB is approximately 13.22 acres.