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Summary of Phase I Cultural Resource Investigations Project No. 212IC-BF-00222

Report Number
Year of Publication

Viasat, Inc. (Viasat) proposes to construct, operate, and maintain a new satellite earth station (satellite) not to exceed 6.1 meters (m) (20 feet [ft]) in height, located in Appling County, Georgia (Project). The Project is in north Appling County approximately 33 m south of Hatch Pkwy N and 591 m east of U.S. Highway 1 approximately 17.08 kilometers (km) north from the community of Baxley (Latitude/Longitude [NAD83]: 31.932331°, -82.349375°). Proposed plans include the construction of an approximately 27-m-long by 3.7-m-wide access drive beginning at the northwest corner of an existing parking lot and extending north, west, and then southwest to the pad location. The proposed pad, including workspace, measures 7.6-m by 8.5-m. A utility easement measuring 51-m by 3.0-m will extend northeast and then east to an existing utility pole with transformer. The total Project area measures approximately 0.03 hectare (ha) (0.06 acre [ac]). A United States Geological Survey (USGS) map and aerial photograph of the Project location are provided in Figures 1 and 2 in the Figures and Photographs section at the end of the report.