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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Improvements and Widening to DeRenne Avenue, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project consists of improvements to traffic congestion and pedestrian safety along DeRenne Avenue in Savannah, Georgia, from Interstate (I) 516 to Truman Parkway (Figure 1 ). The proposed project was divided into three sections. The first, identified as Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Project No. CSSTP-0008-00(358), P.I. No. 0008358, would reduce traffic along DeRenne Avenue by providing a new four­lane divided connector from 1-516 to a realigned White Bluff Road with a new direct connection to Hunter Army Airfield (HAAF) and construction of a multi-use path. The second, identified as GDOT Project No. CSSTP-0010- 00(236), P.I. No. 0010236, would improve the raised median along DeRenne Avenue between Mildred Street and Abercorn Street, as well as improve existing signalized intersections to enhance accommodation for pedestrians and sidewalks on both sides of DeRenne Avenue. The third section, identified as GDOT Project No. CSSTP-0008-00(359), P.I. No. 0008359, would replace the existing two-way left-turn lane along DeRenne Avenue between Abercorn Street and Truman Parkway with a landscaped median, and would also improve existing signalized intersections to enhance accommodation for pedestrians, improve sidewalks on both sides, establish a parallel bicycle route along DeRenne Drive (which parallels DeRenne Avenue), and remove ineffective acceleration and deceleration lanes. Significant amounts of right-of-way (ROW) would be required where the proposed project would be constructed on new location. 

An archaeological survey of P.I. Nos. 0008358, 0008359, and 0010236 was conducted by Edwards-Pitman, Inc. (EP) in 2014 (Roberts 2014). This survey consisted of the project's Area of Potential Effect (APE) and a 30.5 meter (m) (100 foot [ft]) buffer designated as the Expanded Survey Corridor (ESC). Comments provided during the Preliminary Field Plan Review (PFPR) for P.1. Nos. 0008358, 0008359, and 0010236 resulted in changes in the total area of ROW and easements that are reflected on current ROW plans for P.I. No. 0008358 (the ROW phase for P.I. Nos. 0008359 and 0010236 are in long range, and there are no changes to ROW and easements for these projects). The changes in ROW and easements are a result of comments related to utility locations, stormwater design, driveway and access adjustments, refinements to grading/construction limits, and two right turn lane additions (one each to the Savannah Tech Driveway and to White Bluff Road). Other than an extension of the project length on the west end of the project along 1-516 of approximately 38. l m ( 125 ft) to accommodate construction staging, the project alignment, bridge location and height, and limits on other streets and the project endpoint have not changed. The changes to ROW and easement include a decrease in ROW from 5.75 hectares (ha) (14.22 acres [ac]) to 4.59 ha (11.34 ac), an increase in permanent easements from 0.67 ha (1.65 ac) to 2.80 ha (6.93 ac), and a decrease in driveway easements from 0.29 ha (0.71 ac) to 0.26 ha (0.65 ac). These changes in ROW and easement do not change the effect determinations of any environmental resources.