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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Salte Road Telecommunications Tower Project

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site Name: Salte Road

Terracon Project No. 73217715A

Address: Lewis Lake Road

City, County, State: Bartow, Washington County, Georgia

Lat/Long: 32° 53' 08.75 N /-82° 31' 29.22" W

UTM Coordinates E357371, N3639653 (NAO 83)

Proposed Lease Area: Approximately 10,000 square feet

Proposed Tower Height: 265 feet

Tower Type: Self-support Lattice

Topo Quad Name/Date: Davisboro, GA (1971) USGS 7.5-Minute Quadrangle

Direct Effects APE: Lease Area and Access Road

Visual Effects APE: 0.75mile

On behalf of our client, Terracon Consultants. Inc. (Terracon) conducted an archaeological survey for the proposed Salte Road telecommunications site. The fieldwork was performed on September 30, 2021. Based on this fieldwork there are no historic properties within the area of potential effects (APE) for direct effects. No further work is recommended at this time.