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John Martin's Home?: Historical and Archaeological Investigations of Site 9Mu56, Murray County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During the summer of 1993 the Mobile District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requested that the Tri-Services Research Center of the Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (CERL) in Champaign, Illinois conduct research to determine if an I-house that had been located at site 9Mu56, Carters Lake and Reregulation Dam, Murray County, Georgia, was once the early nineteenth century plantation home of Cherokee Judge John Martin. The house had been dismantled by the Corps in the 1970s and a road built through the area where the house stood. CERL contracted with the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology to conduct historic document research and direct archaeological test excavations at the site. Historic documents confirmed that the land was owned by Martin, but archaeological excavations did not reveal an early nineteenth century occupation. Archaeological deposits were disturbed and it is the opinion of the authors that the site is not eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.