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Phase I Cultural Resource Survey for the Blakely Primary-Mitchell 115kV Transmission Line

Report Number
Year of Publication

New South Associates, Inc. (NSA) conducted a Phase 1 Cultural Resource Survey of the 4.6-mile Blakely Primary-Mitchell 115kV Transmission Line in Calhoun County, Georgia on behalf of Georgia Power Company. The survey was pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (36 CFR 800). The purpose of the survey conducted by NSA was to identify and evaluate archaeological and architectural resources for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) prior to construction. The Cultural Resource Survey included background research, a Phase I Archaeological Survey, and an Architectural Resource Survey. 

The archaeological survey resulted in the identification of one new site (9CU214) and the relocation of a previously recorded site (9CU27). Site 9CU214 is a precontact lithic and ceramic scatter, and 9CU27 is a precontact period lithic scatter. Because both sites may extend outside of the APE, they are recommended as unknown under the NRHP. The evaluated portions of each site lack data potential and no further work is recommended. 

The architectural survey identified eight previously unrecorded architectural resources within the project’s APE, which included the ROW and the viewshed of the project. Of those eight resources, the Webb House is recommended eligible for listing in the NRHP. The proposed project as currently defined is expected to have no adverse effect on the resource.