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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey Holly Creek Restoration Project Jonas and Ward Tracts Murray County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The current Holly Creek restoration project involves the restoration of Holly Creek on the Jonas tract [approximately 64 meters (m) by 18 m (211 feet by 58 feet)] and the Ward tract [approximately 56m by 12 m (184 feet by 38 feet)] in central Murray County, Georgia. Together, these two tracts constitute the “project areas” (Figures 1, 2 and 3). Within the project area limits of disturbance, areas along Holly Creek will be graded; toewood and vegetated geolifts will be installed to stabilize the bank. After the streambanks are stabilized, riparian vegetation enhancement and riparian stabilization will occur within and beyond the limits

of disturbance for the full length/width of the project areas. Temporary haul roads will operate between existing roads and the project areas; since road impacts will be restricted to the surface and upper plowzone, it was determined that the haul road corridors would not require survey for archeological resources. Further, for the Jonas tract, approximately a 40-m (132-foot) section of existing forestry road that is eroding (location at 34°48'40.0"N 84°43'30.2"W) will be stabilized using standard best management practices including the addition of gravel to the road surface and installation of water bars. Because this road stabilization work will be restricted to the surface and upper plowzone, it was determined that the 40-m section of existing forestry road would not require survey for archeological resources. Lastly, the Jonas tract undertaking also will be removing a 5-m (16-foot) long corrugated metal pipe culvert crossing where a forestry road intersects an intermittent stream (located at 34°48'46.4"N 84°43'20.4"W). The ground disturbance for this culvert crossing will be restricted to removing previously installed road fill material and the culvert, and will not

disturb the existing streambed. As a result, it was determined that a survey for archeological resources was not needed at this site.