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Archaeological Excavations at the Lucky Last Site, 9MG218

Report Number
Year of Publication

This little report of a single cluster of three features at archaeological site 9MG2 I 8 has been delayed for 35 years. Williams dug this little site in 1979 with volunteers, but it was never written up for many reasons. We have chosen its name to be Lucky Last since it was a lucky discovery of the last archaeological site to be excavated in Lake Oconee. Finally, with the help of University of Georgia archaeology student Lauren Smith, this can be completed. The excavation was a very limited operation, confined to an approximately 4 meter diameter area accidentally exposed in a field by a bulldozer working the Lake Oconee Basin. The data from here all date to the Late Mississippian Bell phase, named for the Joe Bell site (9MG28) site with major excavation located just 200 meters to the north of this site (Williams 1983). It could be argued that 9MG2 I 8 is just an outlying part of site 9MG28 itself. Williams wrote the first section of this report, presented below back about 1983. We have updated this a bit, and added the subsequent sections. Lauren was instrumental in creating the graphics for the report.