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Cultural Resources Survey for 26a Permit for Dwayne Phillips New Marina, Chatuge Reservoir, Towns County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) proposes to issue a 26a permit to Dwayne Phillips at his property on US Highway 76 in Towns County, Georgia. The property is located along Hog Creek, a tributary of the Hiwassee River at river mile 126.8L on Chatuge Reservoir (34.96297, -83.78048). The applicant proposes to construct a community facility consisting of a floating multi-slip covered and uncovered dock and marine service station, fixed and floating access walkways, a launching ramp, a gravel parking area, and gravel roadway (Figure 1). These facilities would extend into TVA’s flowage easement. TVA recommends that the area of potential effects (APE) be considered as all areas of ground-disturbing activities within TVA’s easement, as well as all areas within a half-mile radius of the undertaking from which the project would be visible (Figure 2).