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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of Five Study Radii Proposed Magnolia Pointe Development Project Paulding County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During January and May 2021, R.S. Webb & Associates (RSWA) conducted a cultural resources literature review and Phase I cultural resources field survey of five 100-meter (m) study radii within the Magnolia Pointe development tract in Paulding County, Georgia. These five radii are collectively defined as the project area”. In total, the project area covers approximately 16.4 hectares (ha) (40.7 acres) and constitutes the project Area of Potential Effects (APE). Of this area, approximately13.4 ha (33.3 acres) lie within the development tract and make up the APE for direct impacts. The remaining 3.0 ha (7.4 acres) lie outside the development tract and were only inspected for historic resources that might be indirectly impacted by the project.

RSWA conducted the survey at the request of Travis Pruitt and Associates, Inc. who provided RSWA with topographic maps showing the five radii around locations where stream impacts are proposed within the development tract. Areas within these radii are subject to Clean Water Act permitting. Due to this permitting, the development project must comply with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Under the NHPA, a cultural resources survey is conducted to determine if archeological and/or historical resources eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) will be affected by a proposed project. When found within the project APE, cultural resources are assessed for significance using the NRHP eligibility criteria set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.4. The current cultural resources survey was conducted following guidelines set by the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists (2019) and the U.S. Secretary of the Interior (Federal Register 1983).