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Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Millers Crossing Subdivision Approximately 42 Acres in Richmond County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Nutter & Associates, Inc.(NAI), conducted a Phase I intensive archaeological survey of a ca. 42-ac tract located immediately south of Gordon Highway in Richmond County, Georgia. The proposed undertaking, which is construction of a housing development on the tract, will require ground-disturbing activity. Ground disturbances can adversely affect significant archaeological resources. The survey was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, since the U.S. Corps of Engineers is the lead agency in issuing permits for the proposed undertaking. The Phase I intensive survey failed to identify any archaeological sites. The survey identified two cultural resources, both of which are isolated finds and therefore not eligible for listing on the National Register. Archival research of the tract revealed no historic period resources, such as houses or ancillary structures. Thus, since no archaeological sites or historic period structures are located on the project tract, ground disturbing activities will not adversely affect significant cultural resources. Therefore, we recommend that the project be allowed to proceed without additional archaeological investigations.