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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Of the 88 Hope Drive Property Habitat for Humanity of Rabun County, Inc. Rabun County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report summarizes the results of a Phase I Cultural Resources survey conducted by Oneida LG2 Environmental Solutions Inc. (LG2) of approximately 3.15 acres (ac) within Rabun County Georgia, on behalf of Habitat for Humanity of Rabun County, inc. The survey was conducted in preparation for proposed housing development. The project is located within the Walhalla, GA (USGS 1896) and Greenville, SC (USGS 1958), l:25,000 scale, Tiger, GA (USGS 1975), scale 1:24,000, and Toccoa, GA (USGS 1982), 1:100,000 scale topographic quadrangles.

Habitat for Humanity received from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs a Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) grant. As a federally funded grant, Native American tribal input was initiated and the Cherokee Nation requested that a Phase I archaeological survey be conducted.

The Phase I survey consisted of background research, pedestrian survey, and excavation of shovel test probes (STPs). Field work was conducted on June I 2022, and was conducted by Field Director David Boschi, MA, RPA and Scott Clark, MA RPA.

The goals of the Phase I survey include a systematic archaeological survey to identify archaeological sites within the survey areas and recommend additional work, if necessary, to determine the site's eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). All work was conducted in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended and the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists and Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (GASHPO) Georgia Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations (revised 2019). All personnel meet the federal regulations and guidelines according to the ecretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (Federal Register otice, Vol. 48, No. 190, pp. 44738-44739) the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act the 1906 Antiquities Act, and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (43 CFR Part 7).

Artifacts were collected and brought to the LG2 laboratory for processing and analysis. All collected artifacts field notes maps drawings, photo logs and photographs were accessioned using the GASHPO s Laboratory and Curation Guidelines and will be returned to the landowner (Habitat for Humanity of Rabun County Inc).

Phase I survey resulted in the recordation of one new archaeological site, 9RA497. In addition, a spread of disturbed and displaced twentieth century building materials was recorded within the current survey area. Based on the results of the field work and laboratory analysis archaeological site 9RA497 is recommended as not eligible for nomination to the NRHP and no additional investigation is recommended. The historic construction materials were found within a recently dug pit, with the mixture of modern and historic materials found within the pit. This modern-made feature was not recorded as an archaeological site.