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Phase IB Archaeological Survey Dr. C.P. Savage Sr. Airport Expansion (Montezuma)

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report documents the results of the archaeological survey and historic architecture assessment for resources within the Dr. C.P. Savage Sr. Airport Expansion Area of Potential Effects (APE) in Macon County, Georgia. The project is being managed by Holt Consulting Company who were tasked with developing a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Written Re-evaluation document for construction associated with the development of an east terminal to the present airport. This report was conducted as mandated by FAA issued Order 5050.4B, Section 1401, requiring a written re-evaluation of a NEPA document as determined by the responsible FAA official.

The APE measures approximately 340 meters long and approximately 325 meters wide. In total, the APE’s area is approximately 21 acres (8.5 hectares). The APE consists of undeveloped woodlands and an adjacent airfield. There is a small portion of the APE just south of the northern border which consists of saturated soils. This survey was conducted within the APE in Macon County to identify the potential for significant cultural resources including both archaeological and above ground resources.

This Phase I survey was conducted to assist Holt Consulting Company in the identification of potentially significant archaeological resources within the proposed APE. All work was conducted in consultation with the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (HPD) and in accordance with HPD’s (2019) Georgia Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations. This work was conducted in alignment with and guided by the management summary titled Management Summary for Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Survey Dr. C.P. Savage Sr. Airport Expansion (Montezuma). The management summary was submitted to HPD and received concurrence on April 5, 2022. The project complies with requirements of NEPA and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended, and its corresponding implementing regulations in 36 CFR 800. The purpose of the survey and assessment was to identify and evaluate archaeological sites for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The criteria established for significance or potential significance is established in 36 CFR 6-.4. JMT conducted the field survey and submits this report for concurrence on behalf of Holt Consulting Company.

This report provides the results of the archaeological survey and historic architectural assessment within the direct APE. Fieldwork was conducted from July 12th to July 16th, 2022. Archaeological testing methods within the APE included visual inspection, pedestrian survey, and systematic shovel-testing Overall, the soils encountered varied in level of disturbance.

301B Hamilton Road (HR-3) which is within the surrounding area of the project location has been recommended eligible for listing in the NRHP. The project will involve the clearing of a wooded area and later the construction of a new hangar. Large intervening industrial buildings between the resource and the project location will shield the project from view. Therefore, any visual impacts will be minimal, and the proposed project will not alter the characteristics that make the resource eligible for listing in the NRHP.

No candidate archaeological sites or isolated finds were identified in the APE. Indications of intact cultural deposits were not present in the project area and there was a lack of archaeological sites. Therefore, JMT does not recommend any further archaeological work, and it is JMT’s recommendation that the project may proceed as planned.