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Archaeological Excavations at the Little River Site, The 2001 Season

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of excavations during the summer of 2001 at the Little River site (9Mg46) in Morgan County, Georgia. The work was conducted by students of the summer 2001 Archaeology Field School of the Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia under the direction of the author. This represents the sixth season at the site, dating back to 1984. Little River is a small Late Mississippian period chiefly compound, that was presumably the political / religious center for a chiefdom-level society that occupied the Little River valley in the Georgia Piedmont from about A.D. 1500 until A.D. 1550. There also is a significant Middle Woodland occupation at the site. The summer 2001 work consisted of expanding a large block excavation (Excavation Unit 1) in the center of the site, conducting excavations on a structure in the power line north of the center of the site, conducting test excavations on a small earth mound east of the large mound on the site, and conducting limited additional resistivity and topographic investigations on the northern and eastern perimeters of the site. This report should be looked at in the context of the two previous reports on the site by the author (Williams and Shapiro 1990, Williams 2002).