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Archaeological Excavations at 9Pm260

Report Number

Site 9 Pm 260, a small multicomponent rockshelter, is located in the extreme southern portion of the Wallace reservoir on the western side of the Oconee River 2.2 km upstream from the dam (Figure _). Universal Transverse Mercator grid coordinates for the site are N 3693336 E 297744. 

The Wallace Reservoir lies within the Piedmont physiographic province of north central Georgia. The Piedmont is a strongly dissected highland area which gently slopes toward the Coastal Plain. Lithologically, the Piedmont is made up of metamorphic rocks which are frequently crystalline and quite resistant. It is this resistant nature of the rocks that controls the drainage of the Piedmont, and produces a topography that is generally hilly with steep slopes and narrow valleys. Soils are rich in mineral nutrients, although nitrogen and phosphorous levels are low. The narrow valleys and steep gradient of the stream beds generally restrict the development of alluvial floodplains throughout most of the province (Larson 1971:23).