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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed 46kv Transmission Line Corridor and Pendergrass Substation Site Jackson County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The field investigations were completed for the proposed Pendergrass 46 kV aerial transmission line and 1.3 acres 12 kV/46 kV substation on March 25, 1993 by a two person crew consisting of a Field Director and a Senior Field Technician. The study corridor is 75 feet wide by 4,350 feet long and will terminate at a 1.3 acre substation site approximately 0.25 miles east of Pendergrass in rural Jackson County, Georgia. All potentially archaeologically sensitive locations situated within the project area were thoroughly inspected. The excavation of 36 STPs and systematic pedestrian walkover revealed the presence of four historic archaeological sites which were assessed under the Criteria for Evaluation for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Four historic sites were recorded as a result of this survey. One— Historic Site-1 (9JK89)—appears eligible for listing on the NRHP. Further archaeological work is recommended if this site cannot be avoided. The project was also assessed for potential visual effects to a nearby historic property outside of the study area. It was determined that the structure could not be seen from any location lying within the project area. In addition, two isolated finds were recorded, with no further work recommended.