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Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of a Proposed Access Road Corridor at the Glynn County Airport, Glynn County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

During October 1996, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted an intense cultural resources survey within the right-of-way of a proposed access road at the Malcolm McKinnon Airport, St. Simons Island, Georgia. The proposed right-of-way lies partially within the boundaries of 9GN1, a previously recorded archaeological site. Intact archaeological deposits, including Mississippian Period burials, have been recovered from 9GN1 during previous investigations of the site. Based on these previous investigations, 9GN1 appears to be a National Register of Historic Places-eligible site; however, no formal declaration of site 9GNl's eligibility was found based on previous work at the site. This survey was designed to determine whether planned construction activities at the Malcolm McKinnon Airport will have an impact on 9GN1, and, if so, whether deposits within this portion of the site warrant a recommendation of eligible for the NRHP. Field procedures included systematic subsurface coverage of the access road right-of way. Shovel tests were excavated at 10 m intervals across the project corridor. Based on the results of shovel tests, larger units were excavated in areas with potential for intact deposits. Mechanical scraping was conducted at portions of the site within the right-of-way that produced cultural material. Native American artifacts were recovered in small numbers. No prehistoric features were noted during shovel test and unit excavations or during mechanical scraping. Field investigations did record extensive disturbances in the project area, including modern fill episodes, a water line, two coaxial cables, and a sewer line were encountered during the mechanical scraping. Background research revealed that previous investigations in this part of the site by Dr. Thomas Eubanks in 1973 also failed to document burials or intact cultural remains. The findings of our research indicates that the portion of 9GN1 within the proposed access road right-of-way does not contribute to the NRHP eligibility of the site. Based on our findings, we recommend that construction of the proposed access road at the Malcolm McKinnon Airport be allowed to preceded without further archaeological investigations.