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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Dogwood Drive Extension

Report Number
Year of Publication

On April 15, 1998, New South Associates conducted a Phase I archaeological survey for the proposed extension of Dogwood Drive, Rockdale County, Georgia. The project corridor extends from the end of the existing dead-end of Dogwood Drive to the northwest along the 1-20 right-of-way for approximately 502.9 meters (1650 feet), then curves to the north and intersects Old Covington Highway at a point that would align the new intersection with the existing Old Covington Highway/ Rockdale Industrial Boulevard intersection. The total project length is approximately 777.2 meters (2550 feet). This report provides a prehistoric and historic background for the area and completely chronicles the results of the archaeological survey. Field coverage of the proposed right-of-way widening consisted of transect survey. A pedestrian survey of the corridor utilized 30 meter (100 foot) shovel test intervals along a single transect as well as visual inspection of the exposed ground surface. No archaeological sites were identified within the areas of possible impact, therefore no further archaeological work is recommended in this area.