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Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed River Moore Farm Development Site, Development Area 1

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A Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed River Moore Farm Development Site (Development Area 1) in Gwinnett County, Georgia was conducted to locate and identify cultural resources within the project area and assess resource significance based on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria (36 CFR Part 60.4). Nineteen archeological sites, one middle 20th century structure, nine isolated finds and one isolated rock pile were recorded during the field survey of the proposed development site. Twenty-four prehistoric and nine historic components were identified. None of the prehistoric resources produced diagnostic items assignable to a specific time period although two sites yielded ceramics, indicating Woodland or Mississippian period occupations. The historic resources suggest domestic and agricultural use of the area from the late 19th through the middle 20th century. Based on the high level of site disturbance, 16 of the 19 archeological sites, all isolated finds and the rock pile are considered ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Due to their recent age, the two structures are recommended as ineligible for the National Register. Three sites within the project area were assigned an unknown National Register eligibility status due to the fact that their limits extend beyond the current property boundaries.