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An Archeological Survey of a Proposed Borrow Pit on the L.C. Pope Property

Report Number
Year of Publication

On March 11, 1996 two archeologists conducted a survey of a three acre tract on the L.C. Pope property, about ten miles southeast of Dublin, Georgia (Figure 1). This will be the site of a borrow pit for road fill. No archeological sites were found. The property is in the upper coastal plain and the soil consists of deep sands. The Laurens County soil manual (Smith 1991) classifies this as Fuquay loamy sand, 5-8 percent slopes. Immediately north of the tract is an unnamed third order stream that flows west to join the Oconee River about three miles to the west. The survey involved a background and literature search, fieldwork, and the preparation of this report. Aerial photographs dating to the 1930s and old soil and topographic maps were examined at the University of Georgia's Science Library.