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Archeological Delineation of the Deepstep AME Church Cemetery Washington County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Engelhard Corporation mines kaolin in the kaolin belt of central Georgia. The corporation is currently mining lands in the vicinity of Deepstep, a small community in western Washington County. In planning for the development and mining of various tracts in this area, Engelhard contracted with Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., an archeological consulting firm based in Athens, Georgia, to examine and preliminarily report on the existence of three possible cemeteries that had been brought to the attention of company officials by various sources. In brief reports dated April 22, 1991, Principal Investigator Chad Braley, concluded that one was not a cemetery, another was a small family cemetery with about four graves and the third was a fairly large cemetery with at least 30 unmarked graves. Engelhard wishes to use the land containing this third cemetery and has initiated procedures to move the cemetery in compliance with previously existing and newly passed state legislation regarding the moving of cemeteries. Specifically, in accordance with Chapter 72 of Title 36 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (Section 36-72-5), which deals with permitting the moving of a cemetery, Engelhard is preparing an application to the local governing authority to move the cemetery. As part of the application process (provision 2 of Code Section 72-36-5), Engelhard contracted with Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. to prepare a report "stating the number of graves believed to be present and their locations as can be determined from the use of minimally invasive investigation techniques, including remote sensing methods and the use of metal probes, which activities shall not require a permit (36-72-5, 2)". This report, the essence of which is a detailed map of the cemetery, is submitted to fulfill provision (2) of the permit application.