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An Archeological Survey of the Proposed Ivy Creek 116/25Kv Substation

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of an intensive archeological survey of a 3.8 ha (9.5 ac) tract in northern Gwinnett County on which the Georgia Transmission Corporation wishes to construct the proposed Ivy Creek 115/25 kV substation. The goal of the survey was to locate and evaluate any cultural resources that may be impacted by the construction of the substation and an access road to it from Rock Springs Road. The survey was undertaken in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The 3.8 ha substation tract and an adjoining 0.5 ha tract to be used for the access road was considered the area of potential effect for the project, even though the substation itself and the access road will utilize only a small portion of the two tracts. Archival research and intensive field survey, consisting of surface inspection and the excavation of 13 shovel tests, were conducted from December 1-3, 1998. No cultural material, and thus no archeological sites or artifact occurrences, were discovered. Since no sites were encountered, the proposed construction of the Ivy Creek substation and access road will have no adverse effect on archeological resources.