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Reservoir Option 2, Site 10B, Gwinnett County, Georgia: Results of a Phase I (Intensive) Cultural Resources Investigation

Report Number
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Golder Associates Inc. completed a Phase I (intensive level) archaeological survey of the proposed Reservoir Option 2, Site #10B in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The purpose of this survey was to identify cultural resources within the area of potential effect (APE) and evaluate the eligibility of these resources for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Consultation and background research were conducted at the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (GaSHPO) in Atlanta, the Georgia Archaeological Site Files (GASF) in Athens, and the City of Buford. This research determined that no eligible cultural resource properties are documented within one-half radius of the APE. Field investigations documented six cultural resources: two stone culverts and a pile of cross-ties associated with the Southern Railway, an overgrown road, a barbed wire fence associated with early farming, and an isolated prehistoric projectile point. None of these resources were considered eligible for the NRHP. It was recommended that the project be allowed to proceed as planned.