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An intensive Cultural Resource Assessment Survey of the Proposed County Road 345 Right of WAY, Telfair County.

Report Number
Year of Publication

On August 31 and September 1 1999, an intensive cultural resource assessment survey was conducted by Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) of Jacksonville, Florida of a proposed County Road (CR) right-of-way (ROW) in Telfair County, Georgia. The study area measured 800 meters in length by 21 meters in width. The proposed road will be designated County Road 345 and it will extend from U.S. 341 highway to the McRae Correctional Facility. The goal of this, cultural resource assessment survey was to locate, identify, delineate, and evaluate all cultural resources within the corridor, including prehistoric and historic archaeological sites as well as historic structures. Methods included a pedestrian inspection combined with systematic shovel testing at 30 meter intervals. All shovel tests (n = 23) excavated within the corridor were negative for cultural material, and no structures occur within the project area. Additional investigation of this corridor is not warranted, and it is recommended that the proposed project be allowed to proceed without further concern for impact to cultural resources.