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Phase I Archaeological Survey Proposed Widening and Reconstruction of Cusseta/old Cusseta/CR62 Columbus and Muscogee County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc., contracted with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GaDOT) to conduct an archaeological survey of a 2 mile-long (3.2 kilometer-long) corridor along Cusseta/Old Cusseta Road/CR 62 located in Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia. The GaDOT intends to widen and reconstruct a portion of Cusseta/Old Cusseta Road/CR 62 between Brennian Road and Fort Benning. The archaeological survey was intended to assess impacts to potentially significant and National Register eligible historic and prehistoric archaeological resources in the area. Background research failed to identify any previously recorded cultural resources within the project area. No historic structures were identified during background research or field reconnaissance. A memorandum addressing the absence of historic structures has been prepared under separate cover. Fieldwork consisted of a pedestrian reconnaissance and shovel testing of the project corridor. A total of 44 shovel test pits was excavated within the project area. No archaeological resources were identified and no further archaeological investigation is recommended. The proposed widening will have no effect on significant archaeological resources.