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Fort Stewart Site Testing D.O. #3 and 4, Archaeological Testing at Fort Stewart in Evans, Liberty, and Long Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In March, April, and June of 1999, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc., performed archaeological testing of 20 sites at Fort Stewart in southeastern Georgia to evaluate their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Prehistoric sites 9EV6, 9LG162, 9LG163, 9LI265, and 9LI447 all revealed low artifact densities and mixed components, and no intact subsurface features were encountered. Prehistoric sites 9EV70, 9LI462, 9LI507, and 9LI509 all exhibited mixed components and a lack of subsurface features. Multicomponent site 9LG24 is completely devoid of cultural remains; at 91,1266, only two artifacts were recovered. Historic-period sites 9LG140, 9LG144, 9LI412, 9LI517, and 9LI534 exhibited low artifact densities with no intact subsurface features. Sites 9LGI21 and 9LI459 each have a single post feature and low artifact densities. These single post features do not possess significant research value. Site 9LI444 has a high artifact frequency and relatively intact cultural deposits. Site 9LI523 has a moderate artifact density and a large, intact refuse feature. Sites 9EV6, 9EV70, 9LG24, 9LG121, 9LG140, 9LG144, 9LGl62, 9LG163, 9LI265, 9LI266, 9LI412, 9LI447, 9LI459, 9LI462, 9LI507, 9LI509, 9LI517, and 9LI534 are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. Sites 9LI444 and 9LI523 are recommended eligible for the NRHP.