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Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Skygen Augusta Plant, Richmond County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

TRC Garrow Associates, Inc. (TRC) conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey during the week of August 6, 2001 for the proposed SkyGen Augusta Power Plant and associated facilities. The project includes five tracts of land totaling approximately 75 acres, a 4.5-mile long transmission line corridor, and a water line corridor 5 miles in length. The survey area is located on the eastern and southeastern outskirts of Augusta, Georgia in a largely industrial area. The archaeological survey relocated five previously recorded sites (9RI146, 9RI147, 9RI153, 9RI1079, and 9RI1082) outside of the project corridor. No new sites were discovered within the project corridor. Thus, no archaeological resources will be impacted by the proposed project. The historic structures survey located one previously-recorded (Historic Resource 277) resource and three new resources (Historic Resources 1, 2, and 3). The SkyGen project will have no effect on these resources, and no further work is recommended.