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Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Tussahaw Creek Reservoir, Henry and Butts Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase 1 cultural resources survey was conducted of the proposed Tussahaw Creek Reservoir in Henry and Butts Counties, Georgia in order to locate and identify cultural resources within the project area and assess resource significance. The project area covers approximately 667.8 hectares and is located along Tussahaw, Wolf, Peeksville and Malholms Creeks approximately 6.7 kilometers east of Locust Grove, Georgia. Thirty-three archeological sites and five isolated finds were recorded. Occupations represented include the Early Archaic, Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, Late Woodland, Mississippian periods and 19th to middle 20th century. Seven of the sites [Sites 9HY211 (Wynns Mill), 9HY292, 9HY294, 9BS30, 9BS32, 9BS36 and 9BS45) have been recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The remaining sites and isolated finds are considered ineligible for the NRHP.