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Phase I Archaeological Survey of an Approximately 40-acre Tract Proposed as Green Space in Leesburg, Lee County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In October 2003, TRC conducted a Phase I archaeological survey of an approximately 40-acre tract in Leesburg, Lee County, Georgia. The tract is bounded on the north by Canal Street East, on the south by East 4th Street, and Academy Avenue North forms part of its western boundary. Only one archaeological resource, AR-1, was identified within the project tract. It was not assigned an official archaeological site number because of its recent date. AR-1 consists of foundation remnants and architectural and domestic debris. Only modem artifacts were recovered within the plowzone. The site has been bulldozed, and does not appear to be more than 50 years old. Therefore, site AR-1 is recommended ineligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. No additional cultural resource investigations are recommended for this resource or the project tract.