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DMPRC Phase II Investigations at Fort Benning Military Reservation, Georgia

Report Number
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In the Summer of 2002, Panamerican Consultants, Inc., conducted a series of Phase II archaeological investigations at 19 sites within Fort Benning Military Reservation. This work was done to evaluate each site as to its eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and to make recommendations for future archaeological investigations. This contract was administered by the U.S. Army. This report describes the procedures and findings from Delivery Order 3, which consisted of Phase II testing of 19 sites in the northeastern section of Fort Benning including sites 005-la, 9CE228, 9CE273, 9CE287, 9CE433, 9CE616, 9CE1520, 9CE1521, 9CE1522, 9CE1698, 9CE1896, 9CE1897, 9CE1899, 9CE1900, 9CE1901, 9CE1902/3/4, 9CE1911, 9CE1912, and 9CE1915. Multiple components were recorded during the investigations ranging from the Late Archaic to twentieth-century Historic. Two sites, 9CE433 and 9CE1521, were recommended as eligible for NRHP listing. These sites have intact features, stratigraphic integrity, and/or association with nineteenth-century occupation of the area. A third site, 9CE1735, was determined to be eligible for the NRHP (Elliot et al 2001; Cowie 2000) and the eligibility status is listed in this report per the Scope of Work (SOW). Site 9CE1735 is a gristmill, raceway, and dam complex dating to the 20th century. A water wheel is preserved in situ (Cowie 2000). These sites have very good potential for addressing multiple questions. Protective measures need to be taken at these sites so further disturbances will not deplete their integrity. The other 17 sites were recommended as not eligible for inclusion into the NRHP. These sites have been mostly destroyed or heavily disturbed by previous land use and natural activities.