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Archeological and Architectural Reconnaissance Survey of One Proposed Outlying Landing Field in Burke County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report presents the results of archeological and architectural reconnaissance survey for a site under consideration for an outlying airfield. The project area includes accessible properties within the approximately 1.0 x 2.8 mile (5,280 x 14,784 ft [1,609 x 4,500 m]) rectangular footprint of the proposed OLF. The archeological and architectural reconnaissance surveys in Burke County were undertaken as part of the planning process involved in the sighting of a new outlying landing field (OLF). The purpose of these reconnaissance investigations was to determine the potential for historic properties within the proposed project area. Based upon these reconnaissance investigations, recommendations on the need for additional archeological and architectural survey were to be determined. The archeological investigations for the proposed OLF were conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and OPNAVINST 5090.1B, "Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection. At OLF F in Burke County, 100 per cent (725 ha or 1,791.8 ac) of the footprint has been identified as having a high probability of containing archeological resources and recommended for intensive survey. Reconnaissance level shovel testing identified eight prehistoric archeological sites on terraces and uplands within the accessible portions of the OLF footprint. Within the 60 DNL contour line at OLF F, reconnaissance level architectural investigations identified 1 National Register Listed resource, 3 resources requiring intensive level investigation, and additional resources requiring preliminary investigation.