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Summary of Phase I Cultural Resource Investigations NA0601 Site Clarkesville, GA 30523

Report Number
Year of Publication

Viasat, Inc. (Viasat) proposes to construct, operate, and maintain a new satellite earth station not to exceed 3.0 meters (m) (10 feet [ft]) in height, located in Habersham County, Georgia (Project). The Project is in north central Habersham County approximately 16 m west of GA-197, 875 m north of Alley’s Chapel Road, and 5.80 kilometers (km) north from the center of the City of Clarkesville (Latitude/Longitude [NAD83]: 34.664213°, -83.534826°). Proposed plans include the construction of an approximately 47.0-m-long by 6.1-m-wide access road and utility easement beginning at GA-197 and extending northeast and then west to the pad location (referred to as the access road from here on). The proposed pad, including workspace, measures 7.6-m by 8.5-m. An approximately 16.0-m-long by 3.0-m-wide utility easement segment is proposed extending southeast from the access road across GA-197 to an existing utility pole (referred to as the utility easement from here on). The total Project area measures approximately 0.04 hectare (ha) (0.10 acre [ac]). A United States Geological Survey (USGS) map and aerial photograph of the Project location are provided in Figures 1 and 2 in the Figures and Photographs section at the end of the report.