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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Archeological Inventory of the Proposed 10.24km (6.36mi) Long 30-in O.D. Triangle Project and Associated Facilities, Spalding, Bibb, Clayton, Douglas, Fulton, Henry, Jefferson, Monroe, Richmond, and Upson Counties, GA

Report Number
Year of Publication

This document presents the results of Phase I cultural resources survey and archeological inventory of the proposed 10.24 km (6.36 mi) long 30-in O.D. Triangle Project and associated facilities in Spalding, Bibb, Clayton, Douglas, Fulton, Henry, Jefferson, Monroe, Richmond, and Upson Counties, Georgia. In addition to the proposed pipeline right-of-way, this investigation included an examination of 10 access roads, 2 ware yards, and 14 pipeline adjustments. This investigation was designed to identify and to evaluate all cultural resources situated within and immediately adjacent to the Areas of Potential Effect. As a result of this investigation, three archeological sites (9SP65, 9SP66, and 9RI1086) and three historic standing structures (HSS-SP02C-01, HSS-AR-05-01, and HSS-AR-05-02) were identified. In addition, a single historic cemetery (RI-CEM-03) was also identified. Standing Structure HSS-AR-05-02 was assessed as potentially significant, while the remaining cultural resources were assessed as not significant applying the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation (36 CFR-60.4 [ad]). Standing Structure HSS-AR-05-02 is situated outside of the Area of Potential Effect associated with proposed Access Road AR-05; therefore the view shed only will be affected temporarily by the use of the road to transport construction material. Southern Natural Gas Company does not plan to improve or widen the road within the view shed of HSS-AR-05-02. Since no permanent impact to this structure or its view shed will be caused by the use of Access Road AR-05, no additional architectural recordation or documentation is recommended for Standing Structure HSS-AR-05-01.