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Black Rock Mountain State Park Survey for Trail Around Lake

Report Number
Year of Publication

Black Rock Mountain State Park proposes to construct a pedestrian trail around the fishing lake on Taylor Creek. The length of the trail is ca. 1500 meters. It will be wide enough to accommodate the park's small off road maintenance vehicles. Park Manager Anthony Lampros notified the Office of the State Archaeologist of the proposed activity and requested an archaeological evaluation of the project area. 1999 aerial photographs indicated that much of the north shore of the lake had been landscaped. This is the area along Taylor Chapel road; it includes existing parking facilities, private land around the church, and the road shoulder. The southern shore is forested and it could not be determined whether intensive disturbance had taken place, but the park manager indicated that there had been some grading around the shore during construction of the lake ca. 30 years ago. The Georgia Archaeological Site File, maintained by the anthropology department of the University of Georgia in Athens, indicated that no sites had been recorded in or near the project area.