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Archaeological Survey for Equestrian Trail, Brasstown Valley Resort, Towns County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Department of Natural Resources plans to construct about 3'/2 miles of horse trails in the mountainous northern portion of Brasstown Valley Resort (Figure 1), located in Towns County. The Office of the State Archaeologist, housed in the Historic Preservation Division of GDNR, was asked to conduct archaeological investigations along the trail corridor to ensure that no significant archaeological resources would be adversely affected by trail construction. The survey was conducted on December 2 and 3, 2004. The survey area included the proposed trail corridor, an area planned for construction of stables and a stable master's residence, and the access road. There are several recorded archaeological sites in the northern portion of the park and the trail had been planned to minimize or avoid impacts to the known sites. The survey recorded one new site, a razed hay shed. Based on results of the survey, construction of the trail and stable facilities will have no effect on significant archaeological resources. No additional archaeological investigation is recommended for this project.