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Addendum to Cultural Resource Survey Proposed Newton County Raw Water Reservoir and Dam Site, Newton and Walton Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Addendum to cultural resource survey of proposed Newton county raw water reservoir and dam site in Newton and Walton counties. A proposal to perform testing at 5 sites in the proposed Newton county raw water reservoir impoundment. During the survey of the aforementioned reservoir site, Webb Diversified Consulting discovered 5 sites that will require additional work to determine their potential for yielding significant archeological data about their respective temporal, functional and/or cultural affiliations. This should include a determination of each site's National Register eligibility status. These efforts will constitute the next step in 106 compliance and COE 404 permitting. What follows is a technical proposal for implementing the testing of these resources. A budget is attached. The sites to be investigated are NRW3, Woodland/Mississippian, camp/farmstead; NRW4, Woodland/Mississippian, camp/farmstead; NRW6, Woodland/Mississippian, camp; NRW12, Woodland/Mississippian, base camp; NRW17, Woodland/Mississippian, diabase reduction station possibly Late Archaic.